• 1967

    "High and home killer"

    filmed contribution to the Poëtenz-Show by U. Gwerder, 16 mm, 11 min., magnetic soundtrack, in collaboration with F.M. Murer

  • "Swiss-Made, 2069"

    Collaboration on a science fiction film by F.M. Murer, 35 mm, color, 45 min., optical soundtrack


  • 1969

    "Early Morning"

    Collaboration with Edward Bond on a production by Peter Stein at the Schauspielhaus Zurich

  • "Passages"

    Color, film about H.R.G. by F.M. Murer for WDR, Cologne, 50 min., optical soundtrack, special prize for best TV film, shot in Mannheim


  • 1973


    Color, film about the psychedelic meeting of the three painters Claude Sandoz, Walter Wegmüller and H.R. Giger in Sottens, by Jean-Jacques Wittmer, Basel, 28 min, magnetic soundtrack

  • "Giger's Necronomicon"

    16 mm, color, film about the work of H.R. Giger 1972-1975, 40 min., by J.J. Wittmer and H.R. Giger


  • 1976


    Design for A. Jodorowsky's 70mm color film, based on the award-winning book of the same name by Frank Herbert (later film with David Lynch, realized without H.R. Giger)

  • "Giger's Second Celebration of the Four"

    Film in segments by J.J. Wittmer and H.R.G., 16 mm, magnetic soundtrack, 5 min.


  • 1978


    Horror science fiction film by Ridley Scott based on the screenplay by Dan O'Bannon, 117 min., Brandywine Prod., Los Angeles, 20th Century Fox-Film, Los Angeles-London

  • "Giger's Alien"

    16 mm color documentary about H.R. Giger's work for Alien, 34 min., magnetic soundtrack, produced by Mia Bonzanigo, H.R. Giger and J.J. Wittmer


  • 1980


    H.R. Giger with Oscar award for ALIEN

  • "H.R. Giger's Dream Quest"

    by Robert Kopult, BCM video recording on 1-inch videotape, 40 min., interview and video animation promotional film "Koo-Koo" for Debble Harry, 6 min., by H.R. Giger


  • 1982

    "A new face from Debbie Harry"

    30 min., magnetic soundtrack, documentary film by F.M. Murer

  • "Future Kill"

    Directed by Ronald W. Moore
    Written by Ronald W. Moore and Edwin Neal
    Film poster designed by H.R.Giger


  • 1986

    "Poltergeist II"

    Feature film by Brian Gibson based on the screenplay by Michael Grais and Mark Viktor, 87 min., MGM Productions, Los Angeles "Prix Tell", prize for Swiss artists, awarded annually by DRS (Swiss Television)

  • "Teito Monogatari"

    Feature film by Akio Jitsusoji based on the book by Hiroshi Aramata, 135 min.


  • 1990

    "Alien 3"

    Feature film by David Fincher, 112 min., 20th Century Fox, Los Angeles

  • "The Mystery of San Gottardo"

    personal film project


  • 1991

    "Alien 1-3"

    Documentary film by Paul Bernard, with footage and interviews with H.R. Giger, CBS/zoth Century Fox "Alien 1", laserdisc, with documentary film and interviews with H.R. Giger

  • "Horror Hall of Fame Awards"

    contains documentary footage with H.R. Giger


  • 1992

    "Satan's Head"

    Feature about unsolved mysteries for German television with an occult scenario "Wall to Wall" written by H.R. Giger, BBC documentary about cyberpunk with interviews with H.R. Giger, William Gibson and Bruce Sterling "Omnibus", H.R. Giger interview segment in this BBC documentary about director Ridley Scott

  • "Giger's Passage to the Id"

    a 30-minute documentary by Atro Lahtela and Juhani Nurmi for Finnish television


  • 1992

    "Sex, Drugs and Giger"

    16 mm in color, 4 1/2 min., animated film with H.R. Giger images by Sandra Beretta and Bätsch for the Swiss Film Festival Solothurn

  • "Brother to Shadows"

    The Alien World of H.R. Giger, documentary film by Morpheus International, shooting started in New York, directed by David Frame, produced by James R. Cowan and Clara Höricht-Frame (shooting finished in Switzerland for video distribution in 1996)


  • 1995


    Horror science fiction film directed by Roger Donaldson from a screenplay by Dennis Feldman and produced by Frank Mancuso, Jr. for distribution by MGM/UA, 110 min.

  • "Benissimo"

    filmed ballet, choreographed for five dancers integrated into a three-dimensional environment of Giger paintings, directed and scripted by Max Sieber, produced by Schweizer Fernsehen DRS


  • 1996

    "Condom of horror (Killer Condom)"

    Ascot Film, 1996, Dolby SR
    Duration: 107min
    Directed by Martin Walz
    Creative consultant: H.R.Giger

  • "Species II"

    MGM, 1998, 35mm Color, DTS
    Duration: 92min
    Directed by Peter Medak
    Written by Chris Brancato
    Original Species design by H.R.Giger


  • Various


    "Inkwell Award"
    San Diego Comic Convention

    "Academy Award"
    Visual effects for Alien

    Oscar award for H.R. Giger

    "Readercon Small Press Awards"
    Best interior illustrator and Best cover illustration
    Los Angeles, Morpheus International

    "The Ink-credible Tattoo Award"
    New York Tattoo Convention

    "Recognition award"
    Swiss canton of Graubünden

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